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Conference Proceedings and Monographs

Volume 1
Physics and Materials Science

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation
between Austria and Poland, May 27-30, 2001

Volume 2
Ecology and Eco-Technologies 

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation between Austria and Poland, Feburary 24 - 28, 2002, Vienna

Volume 3
Crystal Growth and Epitaxy 

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation between Austria and Poland, October 20 - 24, 2002, Vienna

Volume 4
Tribology: Science and Application 

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation between Austria and Poland, October 20 - 24, 2003, Vienna

Volume 5

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation between Austria and Poland, November 14 - 18, 2004, Vienna

Volume 6
Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine 

Proceedings from the Review Seminar on scientific cooperation between Austria and Poland, October 22 - 25, 2006, Vienna

Volume 7
The Future of Europe. Sustainable Development and Economic Growth

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Vienna, September 12-13, 2007

Volume 8
Biodegradable Polymers from renewable resources

Proceedings of the International Conference, Vienna, November 18-21, 2007

Volume 9
What is truth? In Philosophy and Different Scientific Disciplines

Proceedings of the Symposium, Vienna, June 3-4, 2009

Volume 10
Eigenschaften des Bernsteins und anderer fossiler Harze aus aller Welt

Proceedings of the Symposium, Vienna, June 21-22, 2010

Sämtliche Publikationen sind in der Polnischen Buchhandlung, Burggasse 22, 1070 Wien erhältlich.


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