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Cryptograms of Ingeborg Bachmann

Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

The interdisciplinary scientific conference titled "Cryptograms of Ingeborg Bachmann" is scheduled to take place on the 13th and 14th of June 2024 at the Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific Centre in Vienna (Sobieski Hall, Boerhaavegasse 25, 1030 Vienna)

The conference commemorates the 50th anniversary of the death of Ingeborg Bachmann, an Austrian writer in 2023. Bachmann's works have had a significant impact on European literature, Austria's cultural landscape, and beyond. The conference aims to provide a multifaceted approach to Bachmann's work, including exploring cryptograms and coded texts. This approach allows us to think about Bachmann's writing from different perspectives. The organizers hope that this conference will encourage an exchange of ideas between researchers from different language areas.

We invite Bachmann's readers and scholars from various disciplines, including literary studies, cultural studies, philosophy, psychoanalysis, translation studies, and memory studies, to participate in this event!

Languages: Participants should be proficient in both English and German as conference presentations and discussions will be held in both languages.

More details and the detailled programme are cooming soon.

The participation is free.

Please follow the event also on Facebook. 

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Polska Akademia Nauk
Stacja Naukowa w Wiedniu
Boerhaavegasse 25

1030 Wien - Österreich
Telefon: + 43 1 713 59 29

Fax: + 43 1 713 59 29 550
Mail: office@vienna.pan.pl

